Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Walt Disney-Leader Essay example - 1494 Words

Leader-Walt Disney Walt Disney is the prolific creator and leader of The Walt Disney Company. Disney is most recognized for his gallant efforts which created the Disney empire, yet his leadership style is one that has melded into a company culture and a prescribed way of organizational leadership. Disney is a man of many words and accomplishments which has led the Disney organization to extensive success. Throughout his 43 year career in film and television, Disney was the personification of a great leader. His career began at 19 with the creation of Iwerks-Disney Commercial Artists, which was short lived. However, from this disappointment, he gained notoriety for his cartooning in Kansas City where Disney worked with Newman†¦show more content†¦An example of this is the opportunity he gave his employees to attend art school to learn more about animation. This was optional and free to the employee, and over eighty percent of them jumped at the offer. He saw that without knowledge, the company could not grow and stay ahead of the innovation curve. (Walt Disney: Magician of the Movies, New York, NY: Grosset Dunlap, Thomas, B. (1966)) Disney also felt that everyone was equal and shared in the contribution of the success or failure of the company. He felt it was important to stay in contact with the business’s front lines. He knew his employees by name and expected them to call him Walt. Disney also did his fair share of coaching and supporting. He did less delegat ing and more motivating. He was a leader who drove the people around him to achieve the goals of the organization. â€Å"Of all the things Ive done, the most vital is coordinating those who work with me and aiming their efforts at a certain goal.† (http://www.forbes.com/sites/lewishowes/2012/07/17/20-business-quotes-and-lessons-from-walt-disney/4/) This is all apparent in the innovation of The Walt Disney Company’s portfolio; from animation, short stories, books, television, theme parks, hotels, leadership seminars, and more. It is hard to find weaknesses regarding the leadership of Walt Disney. When he is studied, it is in a positive light. Although Disney led his organization to stellar levels, at times it was floating at bankruptcyShow MoreRelatedWalt Disney-Transformational Leader2140 Words   |  9 Pagesturning points in advancing the subject’s leadership role. Leadership Capacities Walt Disney was a leader who exemplified many leadership capacities throughout his 43-year Hollywood career. 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