Monday, December 30, 2019

Abrahamic Covenant And The Covenant - 2250 Words

Eunice Barnett BIBL 150 Liberty University March 2, 2015 Abrahamic Covenant Chart A covenant is defined as a promise or agreement between two parties. The Abrahamic Covenant is a precise covenant between God and Abraham which can be seen in numerous events, throughout scripture. Genesis 12-50 reveals the Abrahamic covenant from Abraham to Joseph. The covenant is displayed in event and incidents throughout the history of Abraham and his descendants, which was part of God’s perfect will. God called out a specific people for himself, who have throughout the covenant demonstrated a lack of faith and obedience, nevertheless God still fulfilled His promises. This Abrahamic Covenant Chart is designed to provide clarity in determining the key points and verses that illustrate the covenant between God and Abraham. The chart is split into several parts detailing the following aspects of the covenant: the first is the reference or bible text, the next four factors will highlight factors for the audience to appropriately understand and apply the meaning of each reference being; to whom this reference was addressed, the circumstances in which this reference where reiterated, composition of the covenant, and analyze the development of the covenant throughout the Book of Genesis. Lastly the chart will also note any changes to be aware of in Genesis chapters 12-50. The chart is most easily understood referring to the reference to the far left of the chart and reviewing all factors in theShow MoreRelatedThe Abrahamic Covenant2589 Words   |  11 Pagesrelationship. Man can never negotiate with God or change the terms of the covenants; he can only accept or reject them. God’s response to the rebellion at Babel was to choose a man called Abraham. Abraham was a man that loved and worshipped the one true God. So God told Abraham to get away from the idolatrous people around him, to get away from his family and his fathers house and go to a land that God would show him. God made this covenant with Abraham, a personal blessing to Abraham, and that he wouldRead MoreThe Mosaic Covenant And The Abrahamic Covenant1767 Words   |  8 Pages Biblical covenant is â€Å"legal term denoting a formal and legally binding declaration of benefits to be given by one party to another, with or without conditions attached.† (Arnold) Biblical covenant is a part of God holy plan and they reveal enteral plan. Each covenant plays a part of God plan of salvation. The Mosaic covenant showed that being saved by works was impossible and reveals God’s Holy character the need of a savior. â€Å"The Mosaic Covenant was like the vassal treaties of the ancient NearRead MoreAbrahamic Covenant Chart3186 Words   |  13 Pagesstudying the Abrahamic Covenant that would be found in Genesis. It is a simple tabular formatted chart. The material is done in a logical chapter:verse order starting with Genesis 12 and completing in Genesis 50. It was attempted to show all the verses that either outright mentioned a covenant or at least implied a covenant. ABRAHAMIC COVENANT Reference:All are taken from NIV translation | Addressed To: | Circumstance Under Which it was Reiterated: | â€Å"Ingredients†Which compose the Covenant: | DevelopmentRead MoreThe Abrahamic Covenant Essay2548 Words   |  11 PagesLIBERTY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY THE ABRAHAMIC COVENANT OBSTACLES BEFORE THE FULFILLING OF THE PROMISE GENESIS 12-17 Submitted to Dr. David Maas In Partial Fulfilled of the requirements for OBST 605 - Genesis By Paris Marshall-Cole May 5, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-3 II. God Offers Abraham A Covenant------------------------------------------------------------------------3-5 Read MoreEssay on About the The Abrahamic covenant 1254 Words   |  6 PagesThe Abrahamic covenant is one that deals with fertility and the significance of symbolic sacrifices during this time period (Genesis 17:1). In the story of Abraham and Isaac, God â€Å"tests† Abraham by telling him to sacrifice his son. While this may seem cruel, God does not allow Isaac to be sacrificed. While Gods motives are questionable, close reading in Genesis shows that based on the story of Abraham and Isaac, human sacrifice is affirmed but only under certain conditions. A sacrifice that involvesRead MoreAbrahamic Covenant of Grace Essay1231 Words   |  5 PagesCOVENANT OF GRACE The New Testament portion of the Bible is widely accepted as the book of hope, grace, love and forgiveness. However, the Old Testament also provides evidence of God’s grace and love for his people. Richard Dawkins opposes this view of the Old Testament God .Richard Dawkins in his book, The God of Delusion states that the God of the Old Testament is a God who is unjust, unforgiving, and vindictive amongst many other negative human nature attributes. Richard Dawkins view of GodRead MoreThe Five Covenants : The Davidic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, And The New1201 Words   |  5 PagesThe Five Covenants The five major Covenants are the Davidic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, and the New Covenants. These Covenants are God’s promises to is people that show the redemptive power of God’s love and the blessing that He bestowed upon the Israelites as well as the curses. Within the Old Testament of the Bible there are in its entirety 39 books that books of law, wisdom, prophetical, wisdom, as well as poetry. All of these books are bound together succession by the Five CovenantsRead MoreResearch Paper1634 Words   |  7 Pages A covenant is a promise or an agreement with binding obligations. (Arnold) In relations to the Bible it signifies God’s pledge to bless mankind. The characteristics of a covenant are such that they are irreversible and permanently binding. The Bible contains many covenants, most of which are contained in the Old Testament. One of which is prophesized in the Old Testament, and for Christians the promise is fulfilled in the New Testament. The major covenants in the Bible are theRead MoreThe Covenant Is A Binding Agreement Between Two Or More Parties1711 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to, a covenant is a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, based on unlimited responsibility. A covenant differs from a contract because covenants require trust from both parties and cannot be voided under new circumstances. In a sense covenant are stronger and more bidding forms of contracts. It is through this method God has chosen to communicate with his beli evers. There are seven covenants found within the Bible; which are the Abrahamic, Palestinian, Mosaic, DavidicRead MoreThe Old Testament: The Five Covenants Essay1550 Words   |  7 Pagesword ‘covenant’ is, in the Old Testament, it is the Hebrew word ‘berith’ and is used many times in different texts. Some scholars my say that the word covenants is hard to find a true meaning. You will hear the word covenant throughout the Old Testament. I think sometimes when we hear the word covenant only one or two covenants come to mind. There are many covenants throughout the Bible. I will attempt to define and explain five covenants. These five covenants are: Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Assets and Information of an Organization Example

Essays on The Assets and Information of an Organization Term Paper ï » ¿Cyber Security Organizations: A Focus on Target The assets and information of an organization must be protected all the time from unauthorized persons. Organization leaders have given the security of information and assets highest priority including investing in infrastructure that shields them from the potential breach. Companies are adopting digital security options that require frequent updates. The duty of the management is to safeguard the digital structure with the latest updates. However, there are fundamental challenges that organizations will face in the process of protecting organizational assets and information. One of the notable companies that have been affected in the recent past is Target. The cyber-attack caught the company unawares, but hard lessons were learnt from the breach. The company also took actions after the cyber-attack and focused primarily on the infrastructures of an organization. An evaluation of the company reasons for the attack and the efficiency of the management installation of measures to prevent the retail store from attack are vital. Fundamental Challenges That Organizations Face In Asset and Information Protection Organizations must ensure that that they do not disrupt top operations and growth. Organizations are concerned with steering primary operations on a daily basis (Kim Solomon, 2012). Organizations that have cyber-based infrastructure are tasked with protecting the information assets from misuse, infiltration, and theft. Safeguarding the intellectual property and vital business information without upsetting the economic structures within and outside the company is essential. Firms must also deal with internal problems that relate to disgruntled employees (McCumber, 2005). Employees can form alliances with the people who have vested interests with the assets and information regarding products and services. Workers can release sensitive information without the company knowing and upset the way operations are handled. Intellectual property has created a new form of competition, and rival firms would employ all the tactics to stay ahead in the game and counter the rival innovations. Organizational duty entails putting in measures within the company that would require strict protocol to access sensitive information. Cyber security has become a bigger issue for organizations (Kim Solomon, 2012). Companies that deal with sensitive information such as credit and debit cards are tasked with strengthening their security capabilities identify, reduce, and eliminate security risks. Coming up with mitigation strategies that are up to date is calling for a large investment of funds in the IT department alone. Robust technologies are essential, and initiatives that address cyber-attacks differ with the perimeter of an organization. Migrating online has its merits and demerits, and it has become one of the greatest fundamental challenges in the corporate environment. Target was involved in a recent cyber-attack that was carried out in two stages and raised red flags. The compromise of the retail giant resulted in a leak of millions of credit and debit card information. Red Flags That Target Overlooked In the Retail Cyber Attack Target did not act on the escape route plan executed by the hackers on November 30th (Riley, Elgin, Lawrence Matlack, 2014). Target had employed FireEye to detect any malware infiltration. The team of cyber security specialists in Bangalore monitored the systems and discovered the staging points used by the Russian-based hackers to hide their tracks. FireEye spotted the routes and notified the security team in Minneapolis. The hackers were quick to set traps and staging points around United States in a bid to prevent their storage servers in Russia from detection. The target would have utilized the chance to eliminate the infiltration to the servers that stored credit and debit card information. Target thought that meeting the payment card industry (PCI) industry was enough. The certification could not prevent the data breach that followed. According to Riley, Elgin, Lawrence Matlack (2014) an overhaul of the entire system was important the moment Bangalore team informed Minneapolis security team. The impending breach in the mainframes of Target retail stores would have been avoided. The transformation would have fastened the structures in the company and help to catch the hackers based in Russia. Another version of Exfiltration malware was installed on December 2, but Target did not act on the alert. FireEye systems and the Bangalore monitoring had done their job and ensured that Target was notified in time. Customers wondered why the company dismissed the alerts despite putting millions of credit and debit cards at risk. The mitigation plan would have initiated a manhunt for the hackers (FadilpaÃ… ¡ić, 2015). Main Actions That Target Took After the Attack Gregg Steinhafel revealed that the company conducted an end-to-end review of the employees (Riley, Elgin, Lawrence Matlack, 2014). All employees and security teams involved in handling phone numbers, credit, and debit card information for millions of customers within and outside United States conducted the review. The company conducted the review to know the technology and processes to comprehend the potential points that led to the breach and help to improve data security. The company was destined to learn from the cyber-attack saga that led to the loss of at least $4million. The reviews would help companies create a segregated structure that would limit the breaches. The company also overhauled the information security structure (FadilpaÃ… ¡ić, 2015). The process was destined to safeguard accounts for the millions of customers who were affected by the breach. The company had adhered to the PCI certification call for improvement of security standards. Additionally, the improvement also paved the way for the quick transition to chip-enabled cards. The transition was initiated amidst investigations to hunt the hackers. Chip-enabled cards are secure and are approved by companies such as MasterCard and Visa. An overhaul of the security system would create room for implementation of a network that limits the number of employees and vendors logging in the Targets account. The investigation was necessary because Target wanted to establish and speculate the real cause of the breach. The company fast-tracked the process to protect the customers affected in the retail attack. The company was ready to deal with lawsuits filed by the customers. The investigation allowed the company to ascertain if the insurance companies would pay for the damages caused and help to fight negligence and compensatory damages. A response to the breach averaged $61million that company would have prevented (Riley, Elgin, Lawrence Matlack, 2014. The investigation can help to restore investor’s confidence and guarantee customers that their bank accounts are safe. The process of investigation would initiate strategies that can safeguard future transactions. Investigations reinforce the system overhaul processes that have been employed by Target alongside other vulnerable retailers in United States. Conclusion Target did not heed to the signs given by the Bangalore security team. The installation of FireEye was irrelevant and the certification process to match the standards of PCI could not help either. The company has a team in Minneapolis whose job was to act immediately a red flag was raised concerning malware attacks in the mainframes (, 2015). The company has millions of account in its servers, and it was its top duty to prevent and eliminate the malware the moment the signs were detected a few times before the attack was launched. The hackers got a leeway when they launched decoy staging points, and the company failed to monitor and pin them down. Developing a team of investigation, and the decision to overhaul the system was wise but it was not a timely remedy for the damage that had affected retailing customers in 1097 stores in United States. The cyber-attack occurred due to the inability of the management to act accordingly. Target had invested in a pricey detection tool that is also utilized by CIA and Pentagon (, 2015). Therefore, the company had a watertight infrastructure that could detect malware immediately the hackers launched the malware. The Minneapolis security team was to blame for the damages caused. The company hoped that it would redeem itself from the damages amidst 90 lawsuits across United States. Retailers learnt their lessons and initiated approaches that would keep hackers at bay. References FadilpaÃ…Â ¡iĆ¡, S. (2015). The cyberattack on Target cost the retailer  £100 million | ITProPortal. Retrieved from Kim, D., Solomon, M. (2012). Fundamentals of information systems security. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones Bartlett Learning.,. (2015). target data breach à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬  Krebs on Security. Retrieved from McCumber, J. (2005). Assessing and managing security risk in IT systems. Boca Raton, Fla.: Auerbach Publications. Riley, M., Elgin, B., Lawrence, D., Matlack, C. (2014). Missed Alarms and 40 Million Stolen Credit Card Numbers: How Target Blew It. Retrieved from

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sneaker War Free Essays

Nike currently enjoys a 47% market share of the domestic footwear industry, with sales of $3. 77 billion. Nike has been manufacturing throughout the Asian region for over twenty-five years, and there are over 500,000 people today directly engaged in the production of their products. We will write a custom essay sample on Sneaker War or any similar topic only for you Order Now They utilize an outsourcing strategy, using only subcontractors throughout the globe. Their majority of their output today is produced in factories in China, Indonesia, and Vietnam, but they also have factories in Italy, the Philippines, Taiwan, and South Korea. These factories are 100% owned by subcontractors, with the majority of their output consisting solely of Nike products. However, Nike does employ teams of four expatriates per each of the big three countries (China, Indonesia, Vietnam), that focus on both quality of product and quality of working conditions, visiting the factories weekly. They also developed their code of conduct in 1992 and have implemented it across the globe, as its goal is to set the standard for subcontractors to follow if they wish to do business with Nike. However, due to a manufacturing network of this magnitude, they have faced numerous violations involving factory conditions and human rights issues, which have been widely publicized. They have responded to these issues through the Andrew Young report, the Dartmouth Study, and Ernst Young’s continual monitoring, but are still approximately two years away from completely addressing these problems throughout the globe. Reebok Reebok, as the second leading manufacturer of footwear, has domestic revenues of $1. 28 billion and a market share of 16%. Similar to Nike, they also utilize a 100% outsourcing strategy and manufacture their products throughout Asia. They have created and implemented their own code of conduct for manufactures to follow, but have less infrastructure than Nike across the globe to enforce it. They are facing scrutiny in regards to wage, overtime, and air quality issues, and like Nike, are working to address these issues. However, their strength, the creation and distribution of a global brand, is allowed to foster under this manufacturing strategy, as hey focus on their core competencies, and out source their production. Adidas is currently enjoying the fastest growth of any brand domestically, with a market share of 6% and revenues of $500 million. They have been shielded from bad publicity by the two Goliath’s of the industry, Nike and Reebok, and are reaping the rewards substantially. They have adjusted their manufacturing strategy, from a vertical operation in Germany in the 60’s and 70’s, to an outsourcing focus today throughout Asia. Unlike the big two, they do not have a code of conduct, and their factories are considered to be the worst in the industry. It is just a matter of time before they are exposed, with an underground swelling of negativity already occurring today. In order to avoid the negative effects and lost revenues that Nike and Reebok have received, they need to immediately begin to take a pro active stance in regards to the working conditions of their factories. How to cite Sneaker War, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Event Management and Its Development Overtime †

Question: Discuss about the Event Management and Its Development . Answer: Introduction Creating or planning a large-scale event and developing the plans of the event is the process of event management. The event includes festivals, ceremonies, conferences, concerts and parties. The planning of an event includes budgeting, scheduling, selecting proper site, acquiring permission, correlating transportation and place for parking, organizing entertainers and dcor, securing the event, catering, communicating to the third party vendors and planning for emergency requirement (Ramaswamy et al.). The event management is important for building strong business relationship, celebrating events and raising money. The aim of this report is to analyze theconcept of event management and its development overtime. The report will also analyze how the industry has grown and become an impactful strategic tool in the corporate and social worlds, and the different ways a single event can enhance a whole business. The report will also focus on the initial stages of planning an event following the D.R.I.V.E event design program developed by Judy Allen. The report will also focus on the process and the importance of identifying the objectives and goals while planning an event. Event Management and its Development Overtime Theevent management involves with investigating a particular brand, determining its target audience, analyzing the event and collaborating with the technical aspect before launching the main event (June et al.). The industry now accepts any kind of events from small to large size. It includes Olympics to the small business meetings. However, the concept has evolved over time. The concept was already in the market and not new, the business now pays attention to the agenda and program of the event management. Now days, the businesses of all types are paying attention to the service, which event management provides. In past times, the planner was there to plan an event and an organizer organizes the whole event (Allen et al.). However, in modern times, the event management includes broader perspectives and works, which could include press conferences, important deals, annual gatherings and functions. The business party wants to establish a great value while organizing an event. The development of event management traces back to the professional association of the meeting industry to the business world. The International Association of Exhibitions and Events (IAEE) happened in 1928. The Professional Convention Management Association (PCMA) was established in 1950s, which has helped in progressing towards the modern concept of event management (Handel et al). In 1995, the first issue of the Plan Your Meetings magazines mentioned about cell phone to use it for the event organizers. Now, the professional world of the event management uses technology and digital platform for any work they want to do. The Process of Growth and Becoming an Impactful Strategic Tool In the twentieth century, there were event-planning programs initiated by the well-to-do families. These families need planners to prepare wedding, receptions and parties (Allison and Paul). However, the complex event management for the corporate and social worlds has been started after introducing the cell phone and digitalization. The complexity event management includes sending invitation to managing the caterers. The professionalism of the event management helps to organize the various components of the event. However, through the history many events had been organized for business purposes. These types of events planning represented royalty and wealth, which would be manifested in festivals, gatherings and pageants. The necessity for gatherings, meetings and event planning was started with the growth of the industrialization (Wiseman, James and Scott). With the growth of industrialization, the advancement of the transport has helped in growing the event management programs world wide. In these days, the political parties and their movement need event management plans, as leaders need to come together for meeting and share their views in the party meeting. With time, it is becoming an impactful strategic tool for the businesspersons. It could be a tool for communication and strategic management, which is used by any company of any size. Event managers sometimes use traditional news media to reach the target audience. Event management is now becoming an important strategy in communicating with the audiences. Different Ways of Single Event Enhancing a Whole Business Events have great impact on managing and improving businesses. Now days, it become an important criteria for necessary development in business. Event could create enthusiasm among the employees and other business partners and communicate the necessary business dealings to them. Now a days, corporate events are common, which is a huge gathering sponsored by business partners of the corporate. A single corporate event could enhance the whole business in different ways and that why corporate event is becoming so powerful (Quinn). There are many reasons for which an event is organized. The reasons include creating a new lead in the business, rewarding the employees and influencing the other employees by rewarding, introducing new strategies and discussing the existing strategies, lancing a new product. The event could be effective in many different ways and it is helpful in team building exercise, promoting teamwork and unity in the workplace. The employees and other business executives could be helpful in improving the business. D.R.I.V.E Event Design Program D.R.I.V.E stands for Define Company and the objectives of an event, Research, develops the event vision, Innovate, and creates a customized experience using event objectives, Visualize and Execute the event plan gradually within the allocated budget and time. Judy Allen finds the term in his book Event Planning. The initial stages of planning an event following the D.R.I.V.E program includes determination of the event objectives and the allocated budget, envisioning an event or visualize an event and organizing related questions to the event. After that, the basic planning is started based on the visualization, questions, and answers (Getz). The event managers are responsible to design the objectives of the event. Based on this, the initial planning is started. Monitoring the budget is also an important part in the initial stages of planning the event. The Process and the importance of Identifying Objectives The process of identifying the objectives of an event and the importance of identifying the objectives has discussed in the book by Judy Allen. The author has argued that before starting the designing plan of an event, the event manager needs to think the reason of organizing the event, which set the event objectives. The event manger needs to set the primary and secondary objectives in each of the event (Bodie). The organized event should meet the expectations of the guest; client and the company as investment of time, energy and money are involved. The primary and secondary objectives embrace full participation of the attending guests. Event objectives could be tangible and intangible and these should meet in pre-event, post event and during the event. The objectives should be hold like a bridge in collaborating with the future level of objectives of the event. The objectives should hold value for the company responsible for the event and the participants in the event. Importance of the Event Vision and Budgeting Envisioning an event or event visualization comes after event objectives are set. The event visualization is the beginning of designing an event. it will help in assuming the probable cost of the overall event. Event vision could be helpful in calculating backwards the allocated budget to see that the budget is flexible enough for the event (Bladen et al.). Event visualization is also necessary for to envisioning the clients objectives and what has been imagined for the event. Visualizing an event incorporates five event design principles, which are the basic elements of an event, the must-haves or most essential featuring of the event, the venue and style of the event, which is considered as the environment and the important elements for creating mood and feeling of an event as an outcome. The materials and the venue and cost-related anything in the event would be included in the budget. The smallest event even needs a pre-planned budgeting. The budgeting would help in determining how much money is needed for a particular event. After budgeting, it is seen that there is no necessity for organizing event in this finance as specific finance would result in specific type of event (Silvers and Julia). Pre-planned budget is necessary for setting the event style and venue beforehand and it is the chance for any inclusion or exclusion in the event. The Process of Getting ROI ROI stands for return on investment. Thus, it is related to the return getting from the investment in an event. The process of getting ROI is to analyze the profit against investment in an event. It is the profit or return of an event. The event manager should be careful while calculating the ROI and the client should estimate the ROI before investing on an event. Each company should have some ROI while investing. The process of getting ROI is estimated by the profit from an event. It could be tangible or intangible. Sustainability Strategy of the 2018 World Cup, Russia The FIFA world cup is the most well known international event in the whole world. The 2018 FIFA world cup would hold in Russia. The 2018 FIFA World Cup sustainability strategy includes waste management system in the world cup ( The waste management system would help in achieving the objectives of the event. As this type of sports includes infrastructure and stadium facility, which also includes the foreign guests and services like catering, transport, accommodation and security, the sustainable strategy would help in managing large amount of waste produced from the above-mentioned stages of the event (Jones and Meegan). The waste affects the natural environment of the location and the stadium. Thus, the sustainable strategy of the waste management would be helpful in creating healthy environment at the event. The efficient waste management, which includes organizing and collecting segregated waste that would allow to minimize the negative impact created from the waste in th e event ( The different sustainable objectives in the FIFA 2018 are to maintain sustainability by keeping diversity and anti-discrimination attitudes. The world cup should be accessible for the disabled people and helpful in social development through football and organizers of the event are aware of providing a tobacco-free event zone to the participants and audiences ( The Benefits of Going Green that crosses the basic objectives of the Event The Canadian Medical Association Annual Meeting, 2015 has one major objective, which proposes to create the greenest event. The event was four-days long and 83,000 Canadian physicians were present at the meeting. The total numbers of attendees were 537 ( The basic objectives include setting the policy direction and improvement of the health care in Canada. The going green has its aim to provide the healthy environment to all the Canadians. The going green includes sourcing local menu, which are organic, seasonal and not processed. However, the event planner has decided to donate the leftover food to Feed Nova Scotia, which is helpful in reducing the food waste. The event planners are careful enough to manage the waste produced from the event. Nova Scotia, which is the event venue of this meeting already, creates the highest waste diversion rate in Canada. The results of this going green project are huge and it could save 45% of food, which are regionally sourced (Godfray, Charles and Tara). All the event organizers and clients of the event should accept the Going Green objective. However, it should cross all the basic or other objectives of any event and the event managers and clients should prioritize the going green policy. Conclusion It can be concluded by stating that the concept of event management is discussed. The implication of the event management has already discussed and it is the growing need for the business parties and corporate. The event management is now a very important part in all the business types. The event management could be implicated from small to large sized events. The Judy Allens D.R.I.V.E program has also been discussed in details, which has given the reader systematic plans for managing any successful events. The sustainable strategy of the international event like FIFA World Cup is discussed with other sustainable practices of that event. It is important to note that any event should encompass the environment friendly strategies, which has also been discussed. References Allen, Johnny, et al.Festival and Special Event Management, Google eBook. John Wiley Sons, 2012. Allison, Paul D.Event history and survival analysis: Regression for longitudinal event data. Vol. 46. SAGE publications, 2014. Bladen, Charles, et al.Events management: An introduction. Routledge, 2012. Bodie, Zvi.Investments. McGraw-Hill, 2013. "How To Meet Green [Case Study]."Event Manager Blog. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Oct. 2017. "Green Standard For Russia 2018 Stadiums." N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Oct. 2017. "Host Cities To Create A Smoke-Free Environment." N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Oct. 2017. N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Oct. 2017. Getz, Donald. "Event studies: discourses and future directions."Event Management16.2 (2012): 171-187. Godfray, H. Charles J., and Tara Garnett. "Food security and sustainable intensification."Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B369.1639 (2014): 20120273. Handel, Sean, Gabriel Sandoval, and Mark Orttung. "Event and services inventory management system." U.S. Patent No. 8,175,926. 8 May 2012. Jones, Meegan.Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge, 2014. June, Rana, Harold Cole Wiley, and Michael Cousins. "Event management system." U.S. Patent Application No. 13/954,568. Quinn, Bernadette.Key concepts in event management. Sage, 2013. Ramaswamy, Satyanarayanan, Srinivasan Pulipakkam, and Jose Paul Puthenkulam. "Event management system." U.S. Patent No. 8,994,500. 31 Mar. 2015. Silvers, Julia Rutherford.Professional event coordination. Vol. 62. John Wiley Sons, 2012. Wiseman, James A., and Scott G. Macleod. "Event planning and management system." U.S. Patent Application No. 13/413,520.